Prioritize your self-care and reconnect with your strong, sexy, vibrant self.
We are living through intense times & we need daily practices to manage stress, stay balanced
& be inspired...

I'm Lizzy & trust me when I say, I know what it’s like to prioritize everyone and everything before yourself…
I've been there! And I know, it affects every aspect of our lives:
our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, our relationships & our work.
Unfortunately, it’s all too common when things get stressful, to react by overworking, overdoing for others, and neglecting our self-care... leading to burnout, illness & resentment.

What I've discovered in my own healing journey
& working with hundreds of women, is that,
Hidden underneath our habits of self-abandonment,
lies a core belief of unworthiness.
You see, we’ve inherited this viral belief from our culture, but it is far from the truth.
As women, we each hold MASSIVE gifts and
wisdom for the rebalancing and healing of our world...
but until we own our worth & make ourselves a priority,
we will continue to get swallowed up by the stress of our responsibilities,
and end up giving away our true power.
When we truly commit to giving ourselves the care
that we need, we...

Re-wire our brains to worthiness.
Feel more energized & grounded.
Have more clarity & more confidence to put towards what’s truly important to us.
Transform our capacity to receive in every area of our life.
Set a powerful example to those around us.
Transform the collective paradigm from the inside, out.

"This is the best class I've ever taken, it is so many aspects of healing & movement wrapped into one. Not only sculpted parts of my body that I haven't paid attention to in years, but it has helped me to remember the parts of myself that are unfortunately buried under alot of conditioning, chores, and the day-to-day mundane...my Essence, my Power, my Grace, and my Connection to Source."
"Wow, What a life changing catalyst this class has been for me. Lizzy has an amazing ability to channel messages that are exactly what I need to hear. She speaks to the wholeness of our human experience in deeply acknowledging ways. I am moved to sweat and to tears, in the best way possible."

Moves are for all levels & you will always be encouraged to listen to your body.

Why we need strength training

By age 35, our estrogen & testosterone levels begin to drop causing muscle loss, osteoporosis, low energy, brain fog, weight gain and loss of libido.
When we strength train, we boost testosterone which...
maintains muscle mass & bone density
boosts metabolism, sexual health, & libido
Increases energy, focus & concentration
supports graceful aging & confidence
When we are connected to our inner core strength, we become powerful, confident, and resilient in our life. We can speak our truth, hold our boundaries, and follow our inner guidance.
Why we need nervous system regulation
Our nervous system is the command center for every other system of our body.
When we experience stress & trauma (hello, modern day life), our nervous system becomes dysregulated, throwing EVERYTHING out of whack (sleep, hormones, digestion, immune system, mood, capacity, all of it).
We can't truly thrive unless we understand how our nervous system works and have tools to bring ourselves into balance.
When our nervous system is regulated...
our body can rest, digest, and restore it's optimal health
we are more emotionally connected in our relationships
we can adapt, problem solve, be creative & access our inner guidance

You'll also receive these EPIC BONUSES
to support your daily practices & keep you motivated.

Exclusive access to my weekly playlists. Available through Spotify & Apple Music.
What you put into our mind matters. The words you speak & the lyrics your sing, create your reality. My carefully curated conscious playlists will be your new fav GO-TO daily tool to support your self-care practices & consistently anchor in your most empowered state of being.
(My clients are obsessed with this bonus!!!)

Authentic Connection, Coaching & Community Support via our private online community.
This isn't a big box store, this is a tight knit community and I here with you every step of the way! I send out weekly emails & journaling prompts to inspire your self awareness and self love journey. You are invited to share authentically with us & receive support inside our private facebook group, anytime you need it.
Hi! I'm Lizzy, I'm a trauma-informed personal trainer, somatic practitioner & empowerment coach.
I'm honored to share these tools and practices, because I believe they are essential for navigating life on Earth at this time. I personally use them on a daily basis to process emotions, and to stay centered,
self-resourced, and tapped into my intuitive guidance.
I designed Empower as a safe space to unwind from patriarchal conditioning (shame, competition, judgement, scarcity, unworthiness, and overemphasis on the mind) and reclaim the innocence, wisdom & power of our body, heart, and higher self.
I hope you will join me as we rise into our powerful, sovereign, courageous and graceful leadership, together.
The time is now, let's Be & Do this sisters!
Love, Lizzy

"This class is one of the most empowering things I've ever done, besides giving birth. Lizzy gives us constant reminders of the power we have as women to change the world by changing ourselves, and provides the space for us to find the tools within ourselves"
"No matter the struggle of the day, Empower leaves me with a renewed sense of love and compassion for both myself and those around me. It's not just a workout, it's a total mind, body, spirit, reset."

Body Positive Personal Training, Embodiment & Fitness Classes.
Serving Asheville, Swannanoa & Black Mountain, N.C. & Online