Stress! It’s as sure as death & taxes. But is it bad?!
Everything exists on a continuum. Sure…if we hang out in survival mode (nervous system dysregulation) for long enough… it WILL wreak havoc on our body and downregulate the function of our cells, but is a stress free life the goal?!
We NEED stress. Putting stress on the body, the nervous system, the heart, the lungs, the brain…is what keeps us strong and resilient. We actually atrophy without it!
Understanding our survival responses & learning tools to up & downregulate the nervous system when we are triggered is CRUCIAL.
AND… so is resistance training.. aka intentional STRESS that we put on the body so that we become adaptive & resilient.
We need daily practices to intentionally stress the body, (while we are within our window of tolerance a.k.a. NOT in survival mode).
We need strength, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system, & mindset training to maintain our optimal health.
EMPOWER Body Mind Soul weaves all of this together in a sexy, soulful way that expands your capacity to hold space for all of your human emotions and to dance through the stress of life.
I just did a FB live on this topic inside my FB group…and I’ll be sharing a FREE virtual Community EMPOWER class next Monday, April 22, in honor of EARTH day.
If you want to make friends with stress & increase your capacity to navigate the challenges of life with greater ease, confidence & empowerment… JOIN ME!!!