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Join date: Aug 2, 2022


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Hi! I'm Natalie ✨

40 years young 😉

First thing anyone should know about me is I started motherhood pretty early in my life. I have raised them in a single mother household. My son is 21 & daughter is 16. So it's fair to say I haven't had the easiest time figuring out who "Natalie" is at the core. But...

I'm onto the next season of my life and excited to see where the wind 🍃 blows me. I enrolled into College this year for a degree in Baking Pastry Chef. I'd like to go into wellness with my products. All locally sourced, organic, non refined sugar, foraging the healthiest of ingredients and some infused with cbd/thc. I fully support the medicinal properties of eating organic produce and beautiful plants 🌿 I have a lot to learn still. I'm open to any and all knowledge you have to share! Please do! I'm definitely a "kitchen fairy" as it's my peace & meditation when happy or stressed.

To add, I desire and feel I need support and love from other women. I believe we all know this to be true for our own lives. Please feel free to reach out for a meet up anytime! Or just to talk!


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